Growing a Business with Fiverr Learn: A Freelancer’s Story

So, I’ve been freelancing on since 2014. It’s been an interesting and rewarding journey. Freelancing is a side hustle for me, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I started by checking out all the similar freelancing platforms, making accounts, posting profiles, and deciding what services to offer. I found some success on a couple of other platforms, but nothing as comprehensive as what was offered on

My primary gig when starting out was copywriting, because reading and writing (English) is my field of expertise. My gigs on Fiverr for writing website copy, direct marketing letters, advertising “jingles,” etc., brought great success, and I advanced to Level 2 Seller status relatively quickly. There were times of feast and famine in terms of clients, but I completed hundreds of orders and maintained a 4.9-5.0 star average in client satisfaction.

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