“Adeptus: The Rose Against the Comet” by Arnold Sky

In a world where chaos lurks around every corner, there are mystical forces actively seeking to bend fate to brighter ends. Thus, when Anita ends an unfortunate engagement and encounters the mysterious Alsáni, guardian of the secrets of Monsteinfeld, heir of Bloodcastle and Alsancastle, watching over a gravely wounded Marine, the world as she knows it is destined to be changed forever.

Martin has a lot of challenges to navigate. After barely surviving a horrific encounter with an especially lethal land mine, Martin finds himself the recipient of the Medal of Honor…and being decommissioned from the Marine Corps. Events that will shape the future have been put into motion, and Martin’s outsized role in them will soon become very clear.

But first there are the pressing matters of the present. An absent father suddenly finds his way back into Martin’s life. The aftereffects of his injury leave Martin disabled in more ways than one, and falling in love threatens to avert his focus when he needs it the most. However, Martin is special, and he will find that even the limits of time and space will bend to aid him in accomplishing his appointed task. Will Martin’s special abilities be enough? Are relationships beyond the scope of his future accomplishments? Where will Martin find himself when he discovers his destined place in a world overseen by a benevolent God? Embark on an adventure filled with action and profound revelation when you purchase Adeptus: The Rose Against the Comet, now available at Amazon.com!